If you are attending SC16 in Salt Lake City, you will find a number of workshops, Birds of a Feather (BOF), and technical sessions relating to workforce, education, and training topics. We have assembled a list of those sessions as a guide to those who are interested in those topics. Of course we especially would like you to attend our chapter BOF on Tuesday November 15th at 12:15 PM where we will lead a discussion about the education and training issues important to you, and ask for your feedback in shaping future chapter activities. Continue reading “Workforce, Education, and Training at SC16”
Tag: Best Practices
We Need to Talk—About Software
By David E. Bernholdt, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, for the IDEAS Productivity Project
In high-performance computing (HPC) we talk a lot about hardware. In computational science and engineering (CSE), we talk a lot about the scientific discoveries and results. But the software that allows us to get those results? Not so much. Continue reading “We Need to Talk—About Software”