Teach the Teacher at SC22

written by Dhruva Chakravorty 

On November 12, 2022 at the Supercomputing 22 conference at Kay Bailey Hutchison Conference Center in Dallas, Texas, HPRC, in partnership with Edward J Evans, Associate Vice President for Enterprise IT Operations at Texas A&M University, conducted a teacher hands-on symposium. Sixteen teachers registered for the event. These teachers represented career and technical education, computer science, technology applications, health science, and business technology from middle schools and high schools in Texas. There were eleven attendees.

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HPC Education & Training Materials Survey Highlights Interest in Sharing Materials More Widely

written by Kate Cahill

The utilization of computing technologies is rapidly expanding in many sectors, necessitating access to high-quality education and training materials to facilitate research computing. The demand for instructional materials, encompassing a wide range of topics related to the development and application of research computing technologies across disciplines, is crucial for both formal classroom settings, informal training, and self-paced learning.

One way to meet this need and keep up with the ever-evolving landscape of HPC educational and training material development is to improve how the community shares and finds materials.

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Unity 3: Lorenz Butterfly

David Joiner, Kean University

The Lorenz system is a widely studied example of a chaotic system. It’s classically simple, needing only three coupled equations to exhibit a variety of types of traditionally chaotic behavior. First described by Lorenz in 1963, the system was initially designed as a simplified model of convection in the atmosphere. Continue reading “Unity 3: Lorenz Butterfly”