News from the Educational Content Committee

Julia Mullen

For decades the HPC community has created, published and shared education and training materials through classes, webinars, tutorials and websites. We all know that there are excellent teaching materials for everything from teaching basic Linux skills to illustrating high level application concepts, but as the amount of material has proliferated, our ability to search through and discover specific content has been compromised. Continue reading “News from the Educational Content Committee”

News from the Workshop Committee

Nitin Sukhija

The SIGHPC Workshop Committee has its mission promoting the interest in and knowledge of applications of High Performance Computing (HPC) by organizing, coordinating and managing in-person and virtual events and workshops. We are actively engaged in fostering collaborations between all HPC Community members at all education levels in the scientific and big data applications domain, and in facilitating a global forum for HPC and non-HPC members interaction, and in promoting opportunities for members to expand their knowledge of high performance computing. Continue reading “News from the Workshop Committee”

News from the Computational Science Education Committee

Maciej Cytowski, The Pawsey Supercomputing Centre

The most important goal of the SIGHPC Computational Science Education Committee is to provide a high quality and open communication platform for educators, lecturers and HPC professionals. Continue reading “News from the Computational Science Education Committee”