Team ‘It’s Spelt Bolognese’: UCT to SCC

By Leanne January, student at the University of Cape Town

I was introduced to the Student Cluster Competition by Jehan, one of the members of the previous UCT team who had won the competition last year (2018). Fresh off their win, Jehan came to my Computer Science lecture in the first week of term to tell us more about the Cluster Competition and encourage us to find a team. We had until April, when the competition sign up opened, to find a team – two of which would be chosen by the SCC to represent UCT. Jehan would act as the mentor for both teams, and he promised lots of workshops before the first round to familiarise all of us with the content we would need to do well. 

At this point, I had just switched faculties and didn’t know any of my Computer Science peers very well. Although I was interested in the competition, the prospect of finding a team was rather daunting. Luckily for me, one of the requirements of the competition is that every team needs at least one female member – and in a male dominated class there aren’t really a lot of females to choose from. It was not long before I was asked to join a team to which I excitedly agreed. 

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Summary of the ISC 2018 BoF on HPC Education

Benson Muite, University of Tartu

ISC 2018 BoF on HPC Education: Widening Participation and Increasing Skills through Contests, Challenges and Extra Curricular Learning

This BoF had 4 main speakers, Victor Sande, Matthew Curry, Maciej Szpindler and David McLeod and was moderated by Alexander Ditter. Slides from the presentations can be found here.

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